Community of Practice for Program Development

A community of practice identifies a set of individuals who “actively share a common concern or an interest in anything they the two do and pay attention to to do it more effectively as they communicate regularly” (ibid). The idea was first presented by cognitive anthropologist Blue jean Laveau and educationalist Etienne Wenger in the 1991 book Situated Learning. The term community of practice was later on taken up by philosopher Philip Senge in his 1996 book Real Period. The more popular term because of this idea, corresponding to Wenger, is “practice interaction. ” “Practice interaction” refers to the “generational procedure of developing understanding communities, ” in which people of a learning community positively engage in the “construction of shared understandings” by training thought throughout a number of different professions and in multiple contexts. A common element of these types of communities is definitely the participation of learners and practitioners right from varied fields and disciplines, although this is not always the case.

The idea of a community of practice was formerly conceived so that you can facilitate understanding workers’ socialization into souple development. This kind of “agile development” was meant to occur through several levels, including schooling, recommendation, and adoption of the learning technique. These were said to be coupled with the other person. In actuality, yet , participation happened only after having a large-scale efforts involving a large number of practitioners. This socialization procedure became a turning point in the history of kbvkj. With regards to the coming years, “agile” and “social” technologies were widely used to characterize software production tasks.

As part of the ongoing contribution to the Open Source Community, quite a few free and open source software advancement projects work on a community basis, in which sets of participants to contribute to the development of software packages based upon a particular process, without requiring formal collaboration. Occasionally, such procedures have also developed into para facto principles of software creation. Such methods help to ensure that programmers remain conscious of the common challenges and nuances that influence their tasks and help those to overcome all of them.

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